Wednesday, December 14, 2011

University Of Phoenix

This is my second week or orientation to the Univeristy of Phoenix. I can't believe that at age 47 I am returning to school. I just turned 47 this past December 2nd and I have to say that I am excited about the prospect of earning an Associates degree of Arts in Psychology. My official classes start on January 2nd, 2012. I'll be taking 2 classes, each for 9 weeks. It will take me 2 years to achieve my Associates. I am really looking forward to this even though it seems a bit overwhelming at times. I think the big thing is that it's been over 20 years since I've been in school and that is good in a way because I feel more focused. I think I will use my time better than I would have or did when I was in High School.
This is an endeavor that I am looking forward to. I have not told a lot of people because I feel that might put undue pressure on myself to do well because then I will feel as if I am being watched to see if I succeed. So for the most part I have kept silent about this new adventure and will be silent until I have at least completed a year of schooling or at least the first 6 months.
I'll keep anyone who is interested up to date on my new adventure that I feel I will be successful at. :)