Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Know Thyself And Be Patient With Others........

I am always amazed when you start talking to someone who insist that our paths have crossed for a reason and then as soon as they serve you plates of compliments and possibilities, they back away once they have been sexual with you. You would think that a man past 50 would be more grounded and true to his words. Alas, I have been played by another man claiming to be spiritually grounded. What ever happened to taking the time to know someone? You can't do that if you slow down verbal or written interaction with the individual. Am I wrong in my conclusion? .......... Most of the time I think people are not honest with themselves so how can they be honest with another? I really am not male bashing and I know this next inquiry is going to sound like that but are there any men out there that are willing to take the time to get to know another person? Don't men want to find a connection with that special lady? I would really hope so. I am sure those men are out there somewhere but as of yet, they have been illusive to me...... sigh.... I do believe in my heart that my day will come and that special someone is going to appear :)

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