Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I have made many discoveries about myself in the past 6 years. For me, turning 40 was a major breakthrough on my path to my continuing spiritual growth. I am now 46 and have integrated many trapped emotions that were doing me no good. I read a life changing book called "The Emotion Code" by a Dr. Bradley Nelson and it showed me that you can clear out emotions that are in you, from events that happened to you at a young age, or even from a past life that cause each of us to react in ways that are not good for us. Events can happen to you, say at at 5 and you think that you are past them. But they are trapped in your subconscious mind and your ego will convince you that those thoughts are real. Most of those thoughts or reactions, that were used at age 5 to protect yourself are no longer needed. Most people are not even aware of the fact that these events even make an impact on their adult life but they can and do. Once an emotion has been cleared out, it is gone for good. Not suppressed but gone!! Once it's gone, it's gone. You would be surprised what a difference this makes and how much better you feel even if you didn't know what was even going on. Each time you clear an emotion you also raise your consciousness. Not only do you raise your consciousness but you also raise the consciousness of everyone on the planet. It's a subtle thing but if everyone worked on themselves. Imagine what humans could accomplish and imagine what would happen if humans remembered that they are sparks of God, not separate from God. That is why we take human form to begin with. This is the place where we come to work on remembering our True selves. I'll get more into this again soon :)

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