Sunday, May 11, 2014


I am devastated and bewildered by the way some people are able to be dishonest for years! A person that I thought was my best friend for the past 7 1/2 years has turned out to be the most brutal enemy I have ever encountered in 49 years.  We had such a special connection and then I fell in love with him and that was the beginning of the end! I had always felt as if we had known each other in another lifetime.  That is how deep of a connection I thought we shared.  I knew back then that I needed to let go and heal so we could resume our friendship after I was over him romantically.  He would not let me go... He would say I was being extreme and that I didn't have to disappear but that is exactly what I should have done.  I predicted that our friendship would turn toxic because it is just unrealistic to think that you can remain friends and be good to one another if one if you feel romantic love and it is not reciprocated.  Now 7 1/2 years later it has become a verbally abusive relationship.  I can't believe how I allowed this to happen when I knew I should have left.  Now he acts like he is the victim when we are both responsible for our parts, but he has never been willing to take responsibility for his part in the downfall of our friendship.  I have finally let got but I am so hurt and am having a hard time wrapping my mind around someone that can be THAT deceitful!  I feel as if I was not even dealing with a human..........feels more like demonic energy!  That is the truth.  I feel foolish for allowing my "hope" that he would see the light and realize how special I am but in all the time that he said those very words, the reality of it is that he was not really speaking with integrity and honesty.....  I am completely gutted, which I am sure would make him smirk with intentional malice.  Well, at least I can begin to truly heal and to be grateful for the tools that he supplied me with in the beginning to help my spiritual growth take off.  I am proud of myself for having the ability to be thankful for the time that he was in my life, unlike him.  ................ BLAH!
Just truly feel gutted.........  I know this too shall pass but it is a huge wake up call to STOP accepting that kind of behavior from anyone that is not helping you to aspire to be your true self...........  to resonate at a higher consciousness and to be Christ-like.  

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