Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Being Sensitive............

My sensitivity is one of my greatest strengths and also my greatest weakness. I have been an extremely intuitive and empathic person since I was a child. My intuition and my ability to be empathic has only gotten more in tune as I have grown older. I consider it a gift to be able to really "see" others. All my life I have been told that I have the ability to make others feel comfortable, not with just me, but with themselves while being around me. I have experienced many types of people from all walks of life. Some people who are not so nice to others have felt at ease enough to be good to me. I believe I give of energy that allows others to relax in my presence. I think this is because on a deeper level they know I am not judging. The downside to this sensitivity is that I sometimes take things too personally. This too has sometimes caused misunderstandings in my life with those I care about. It has also caused me to take offense to things that were not meant to offend me. I have done a lot of inner work and I am much more aware of my own sensitivity. I am more in tune with catching myself before I take something the wrong way. I would not change who I am for anything and even though my life has been a struggle at times, I know this is all gearing me for something greater. I am proud of all the work I have done on myself and on the work I continue to do. It takes a certain amount of inner strength to take an honest look within and to want to change behavior patterns that were learned as a child but no longer have a place as an adult. I have fine tuned my intuitive and empathic skills and for that I am thankful for all those who have helped me on my spiritual development.........................
Do not mistake sensitivity for weakness..........................
It takes a strong person to admit they have weaknesses and it takes an even stronger person to acknowledge them and work to fix what is not your true self.

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