Monday, July 19, 2010


Throughout my life I have learned and seen many things. Some things have been amazing and wonderful. And some have been horrific! I have taken away something from all of these experiences and I believe they have made me a better person. I have struggled often, in my life and I feel I am a work in progress. I have no regrets. I have grown tremendously in so many ways and for that I am very proud. The one thing about getting older is the amount of wisdom you accumulate. It is an amazing thing to have the tools to deal with life's hurdles and I find the journey a blessing, even if tough at times. I have discovered that so much of your life and what happens to you depends on how your mind views your world. Most of us are full of negative chatter and often don't realize that this unconscious chatter affects us in many ways. Try to be the master of your mind and not let you mind be the master of you. It takes work to look at your thoughts but let me tell you that if you start to recognize what thoughts are brought on by the ego, you will find that the ego usually does not see or tell you the truth.......................... The way to true enlightenment is to abolish the ego.

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