Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Love From The Heart

Love is such a beautiful, powerful, breathtaking thing. People say that their are crimes of passion. I am beginning to think that if love somehow involves mental or physical pain, then how can it really be love. Taking a life because you love someone seems like hypocrisy to me.
My intellect tells me that these types of crimes happen but I do not feel that it is truly love.
Love is patient, kind, understanding, non-judgemental, intoxicating, unselfish, pure, true and love does not fear. Love transcends, race, age, status and body types.
The body has 2 places where intellect arises. The brain is one body intellect and the heart is another. The mind can be easily fooled, but if you learn to really listen to your heart, you are rarely fooled by the ego. Try to view the world through your heart instead of your head. You might be surprised how the world opens up in ways never imagined. Jesus spoke of the Sacred Heart. There is a reason for this. Try being silent, relaxed and just bring your awareness down from your head to your heart and feel what comes over your being. You will feel what it's like to view the world from the more intelligent organ...... The Heart.

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