Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Nature-Candy For The Senses

Since I was a small child, I have always been in awe of Nature. I don't believe I have gone a day, in at least 40 years, where I have not seen or been blown away by the beauty of our natural surroundings. Yes, there are a lot of ugly things in the world, but I think many take for granted what is all around, everyday. Have you ever taken the time to just look at the color of grass or the leaves on a tree? Have you ever noticed that with all the technology and man's ability to produce color spectrum's, none compare to the color in Nature. A red rose gives us a red that is unmatched by a man-made red. Take any color and compare it and you will see that only Nature gives such amazing distinction.
Today I saw a beautiful Dragonfly. It was about 4 inches in length and was performing amazing aerodynamics. As I watched it with wonder, I noticed the amazing emerald green color of it's body and wings. I always end up with a uncontrolled grin that comes over my face when viewing such things. There are lots of Butterflies and Hummingbirds where I live and I can watch them with pleasure. I have seen so much amazing beauty and I think everyone should take the time to SEE what is all around..........

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